Stationery? Stationery.



So I went stationery shopping because I start school in two weeks , where did summer go? 
Well, to prepare myself for school , I decided to purchase a few things and with these 'things' I got amazing deals! Moreover, all of the stationeries , I have bought are from ASDA.
Firstly, I want to be more organised because I know A2 is going to pile up and I really want to get my entry requirements for University. I think a 2015-2016 diary is essential for now because I'm only going to be in Year 13 for a year so this is something that will be put for good use.
This the inside of the diary , quite small lines to put brief words. However, if you would like larger spaces , there is a notes section at the back which is handy.

These pens , were on for an offer for 2 for £3! and I just had to, I could not resist. These are my favourite pens , because they are biro they are not inky and are great for left and right handers which I think is important.

Highlighters- £3

Notepad - £3 and there is 400 pages with holes great for A levels

Ruler -40p

I got this hole puncher for a £1!! and I'm so happy because they seem to be very expensive in some places.

For colourful notes , I bought these because they are not inky which I do not like and it doesnt give me blisters like the staedler fineliners ones do.  Pens £2

Sharpener- £1
Now , the products I'm going to show are from different stores , that I bought stationery from when I went on my holiday to London for a few days.
Wallets- £1 each
The reason , why I got this , was to put any loose sheets .. that I can hole punch , when I get home so I can insert it into my folder.

I do ART as an A level so I bought this A5 sketchbook, to do certain tasks I have been told to by my teacher. This is great because I get to see an improvement in my skills each time , I turn a page. TIGER store -£3
ASDA- £4 

I am going to be painting for my A2 personal study , so I purchased these oils . The artists that I  have researched are oil painters , so is good to use the same mediums to learn their techniques and I'm very excited to use these.

What's your number one stationery , that you can not live without? 
 Najma xx

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  1. The diary is SO cute! Great post, I love stationery!
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

    1. Right ! Thank you and same , it really gets you motivated ! x


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