
Happy Sunday to you all, I am enjoying the rain outside these past few days. However, it is weird that it is raining in July... Global warming? Well on a great note , I have another eye-shadow tutorial up but this time , I have taken a picture of every step so enjoy!

Firstly, this is how the final looks like... I am again using the revolution redemption palette iconic 2 .

  1. Using tape is a great idea for creating winged looks , I wanted my look to stay on for a long time so the first product I used was my BB cream by Maybelline on my eye lids to create an even base for my eye-shadows.
  2. On my left eye, I am wearing the BB cream but on the right , I am wearing the fifth colour on the palette for a base and this shade is still my favourite ! The reason I did this was to show you the difference between the bb cream and the base because the base is difficult to see.

3.  Secondly, I used the second to last dark brown shade from half way of my eye to below my eyebrows and in the outer corner to create some definition. I took up the eye-shadow just below my eyebrows to create a new crease line for my next step.

4. I then used the last shade which is the black and this is my second favourite shade because it is a matte so it blends well. Moreover, it is also great for an eye-shadow by itself because it has such a subtle shade . I think this shadow colour would be great for smoky eyes! Let me know if you would like a look on that below! :)

 Here are a couple of shots of the finished eye-shadow look! I have yet to put some eyeliner on , but I wanted to show you guys, how it looked when your eyes are open ... it creates a dramatic smoky winged look and I love it a lot!

 5. I added the liquid eyeliner which is from MUA, I got it from superdrug for £2 which is a good price for an eyeliner. This eyeliner is cheap and works well in this look!
                                       Now let it dry and take off the tape on your look...
...and you have this! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial as much as I did ... I am still on the search for eye-shadows similar to this palette ... If you have any requirements just comment them down below.

                                                    Thank you for reading!

                                          Najma  xo 

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  1. Great post! Stunning look that palette is so pretty x
    Claire | www.claire-frances.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thank you so much Claire , and it is isnt !
      I'm not sure , if mentioned it but if you would like to purchase it , it costs £4 at superdrug :O x
      i'll check out your blog x

  2. a gorgeous make up look! love the sharpness of the eyes x



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